Art from Home: Stories of Cultural Connections
Louvre Abu Dhabi brings the museum to you by telling stories about the art works on loans from our partners and from our collection through video, audio and activities that can be downloaded for children.
Sarcophagus lid in Egyptian style
These two sarcophagus lids, dating from the 5th century BCE, come from Phoenicia, what is today Lebanon. They are modelled on Egyptian sarcophagi that Phoenician kings brought back for their own burials from military campaigns. A number of high-ranking Phoenicians then had their own sarcophagi made in marble. The first is strongly influenced by Egyptian art, especially the headdress, whereas the other is Greek-influenced and more naturalistic.
LAD 2014.021 | 220 x 72 x 40 cm, LAD 2014.022 | 232 x 79 x 44 cm
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Hear about the story of Phenician Sacrophagi
Designed for children and families, download these interactive activities to enjoy from the comfort of your home