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Art from Home: Stories of Cultural Connections

Louvre Abu Dhabi brings the museum to you by telling stories about the art works on loans from our partners and from our collection through video, audio and activities that can be downloaded for children.

Untitled Anthropometry (ANT 110)

Yves Klein
France, Paris
Paint on paper mounted on canvas
Louvre Abu Dhabi
LAD 2011.006|201.3 x 147.3 cm

This 1960 work consists of the imprint on canvas of two bodies coated in paint, those of the French artist Yves Klein and his wife. It was made using the technique invented by the artist that he called “living paintbrushes”. With this radical approach, the artist completely reinvented the role of the model: he or she was no longer a passive body subject to the gaze of the creator, but an acting being.

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