Art from Home: Stories of Cultural Connections
Louvre Abu Dhabi brings the museum to you by telling stories about the art works on loans from our partners and from our collection through video, audio and activities that can be downloaded for children.
Polished axes: status symbols (?)
4000–3000 BCE
Musée d’Archéologie nationale - Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Biggest: MAN 34181,Smallest: MAN 34167|Biggest: H 30 cm,Smallest: H 14.3 cm
The discovery of objects of prestige, made with outstanding craftsmanship, sometimes from materials that came from far away, is indicative of the emergence of the first social hierarchies during the Neolithic period. The creation of jade rings and blades provides a striking parallel between China and Europe. Sometimes placed in tombs beside their owner, these objects are evidence of beliefs, cults and rituals which still remain largely a mystery to us.