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Sarah Almehairi

Sarah Almehairi is an artist and poet whose overarching body of work unfolds a discourse on themes of materiality, systems and interrelations, and language through the intuitive and poetic examination of narrative and abstraction. By engaging with geometric forms, she extracts and defines a structural language read time and time again to suggest a form other than its own – a map, a sentence, a puzzle piece. Through the process, they are broken down, built, and reassembled as continuous iterations of themselves. These elements towards telling a story are not so explicit, lines and layers are used throughout her pieces as a means of exploring clarity and organization of collected information. Working primarily with investigative range of media, she explores the push and pull of material to evoke a story that both conceals and reveals itself.

Sarah Almehairi lives and works in Abu Dhabi. She received her Bachelor of Art and Art History from NYU Abu Dhabi. She is also the co-founder of JARA Collective.

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